Safety Zone

Madden NFL 25

List of Players with Safety Zone Archetype on Madden NFL 25

Below is the list of Top 100 Players with Safety Zone Archetype and their Madden NFL 25 Ratings.

Please note that ratings are subject to change without prior notice upon official reveal and game release.

1. 97872,794
2. 93882,843
3. 90892,864
4. 88862,870
5. 87852,668
6. 86872,728
7. 84842,643
8. 84862,817
9. 84862,668
10. 83862,704
11. 82862,638
12. 82842,614
13. 81852,695
14. 81842,746
15. 81842,696
16. 80852,722
17. 80832,771
18. 79842,878
19. 79832,588
20. 79862,603
21. 78862,835
22. 78822,683
23. 78872,664
24. 78842,760
25. 77872,704
26. 77862,725
27. 77832,586
28. 77822,654
29. 77852,629
30. 76832,687
31. 75832,571
32. 75842,911
33. 75852,540
34. 75842,606
35. 75852,555
36. 74832,708
37. 74842,714
38. 74832,513
39. 74852,779
40. 74812,546
41. 73822,585
42. 72822,581
43. 72842,614
44. 72842,757
45. 71852,659
46. 71832,605
47. 71822,467
48. 71842,517
49. 69832,573
50. 69822,660
51. 69842,554
52. 68822,470
53. 68812,667
54. 68822,641
55. 67812,608
56. 67802,506
57. 66782,715
58. 66802,431
59. 66812,594
60. 65792,481
61. 64822,663
62. 63802,541
63. 62812,498
64. 62812,478
65. 62782,451