Top 100 Right Outside Linebacks

Madden NFL 25

List of the Best Right Outside Linebacks on Madden NFL 25

Top 5 Right Outside Linebacks Madden NFL Ratings Over the Years

Hover over a line to display values or click on color legend to hide player from the graph.

Below is the list of Top 100 Right Outside Linebacks with their Madden NFL 25 Ratings.

Please note that ratings are subject to change without prior notice upon official reveal and game release.

1. 91882,852
2. 90892,754
3. 88862,439
4. 87862,658
5. 87842,651
6. 86872,408
7. 85862,955
8. 84862,542
9. 83852,865
10. 83852,435
11. 83842,765
12. 82862,509
13. 82832,636
14. 80812,601
15. 80852,571
16. 80832,435
17. 79832,464
18. 79822,357
19. 79862,519
20. 79832,482
21. 78852,526
22. 78852,429
23. 78852,577
24. 77832,759
25. 77852,569
26. 77832,481
27. 76842,452
28. 76842,712
29. 76842,676
30. 76832,368
31. 76842,817
32. 75822,655
33. 74822,469
34. 73832,258
35. 73822,335
36. 73812,228
37. 72852,785
38. 72822,181
39. 72812,620
40. 71822,179
41. 71822,304
42. 71812,327
43. 70822,358
44. 70812,404
45. 69812,398
46. 69812,352
47. 69822,637
48. 69802,254
49. 68812,537
50. 68802,375
51. 67792,537
52. 67802,396
53. 67812,198
54. 67792,218
55. 67802,416
56. 66822,469
57. 66802,558
58. 65782,316
59. 65792,350
60. 65802,711
61. 64792,316
62. 64772,386
63. 62772,516
64. 62782,778
65. 62792,343
66. 62792,446
67. 61772,348
68. 61772,547
69. 60752,168
70. 59782,313
71. 59762,183
72. 59772,312
73. ------
74. ------
75. ------